Let’s get organized!! Haven’t I been saying that forever?? And even more so, isn’t this the best time to do it?? With colder weather coming in and seemingly here to stay, being inside and keeping busy feels AMAZING!

So why not get to organizing your spaces? 

If you have been following my journey to clean out my house over the last month and a half, you know I personally am not totally finished with the nooks and crannies. But boy am I excited to get to the next step. Organizing! Here are a few of my favorite things to help you get organized:

HANGERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Using coordinating hangers makes a HUGE difference when organizing! It is a step that I always suggest to clients and one that truly turns your final project into a completed work of ART! I personally love the wooden hangers and felt hangers, though that is a preference you can choose!

BOX IT UP - Some say putting things in boxes make it where you are not as aware of what you have. I personally think boxing things up makes them aesthetically more clean. The trick is always labeling your boxes!! This is the best way to keep things organized, keep track of what you have, and know where things belong when you are done with them.

DON’T FORGET TO ACCESSORIZE - Much like your favorite outfit, everything's better with an accessory or two! I love adding a final touch to my newly organized spaces by stacking a few coffee table books or placing a couple decorative trays around for catch alls! And make it personal with framed photos of your family if you have the space.  After all, this is your dressing room that should give you a boost of CONFIDENCE as you get ready to leave for the day.

HAPPY organizing! 

With LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias