LOVE YOURSELF: Fraulein Boot Ladies

Most of you know that I’m obsessed with Round Top.  There are a million reasons why I love Round Top, but at the top of that list are the people.  These two beautiful souls are a perfect example of the type of people that you can connect with if you are visiting Round Top.  I met Margaret and Sarah at one of the Spring Shows and instantly was drawn towards their sparkly energy.  However, their boots originally caught my eye first…specifically the San Antonio Rose boot.  Those boots went home with me that spring and I’ve been hooked ever since.  These two ladies exude such positive energy with everything they do and that is something I admire in them.  This series is all about showcasing women that are positive examples in the world and I couldn’t be more excited to share these beautiful souls with you all.

1.What does LOVE yourself mean to you?

Taking time to take care of myself. Exercise is my therapy and when I miss it, so does my mental and emotional health.  Also, just being grateful to God for who I am, flaws and all. 

2. Did you have a someone that exuded a positive body image for you growing up? 

A family member, friend, mentor, etc. My mom! I can’t really ever remember her talking bad about her body and we would joke with her about her big bottom and she took it in stride and laughed along with us. Nothing was off limits in our family. Lots of joking around, but all in good fun. She also helped give us such a healthy self -esteem. Anytime anyone was mean to us, she would say, “They are just  jealous”…I am not sure of what, but she always made us feel better. She was and is always so positive and can put a silver lining on just about any situation. Our friends call her “Saint Betty”.  I think it suits her well. 

3. Do you tear your body apart vocally?

I try not to…but it does happen.  Aging is tough. I have to check myself every once in a while if I am down on myself about my belly or my neck or…whatever it is that I have recently noticed looking saggy. I have to remind myself that my people love me just the way and I am. I try to lean into to thankfulness, when I go dark. Thank you God for my legs that can still run and my crows feet from smiling so hard! Always a good way to reset that mindset toward gratitude, instead of feeling sorry for myself.

4. Are you working to improve your mindset around body image or is it a neutral mindset for you? Yes, I think as I get older, I have to constantly remind myself that I am not 22 and that I have lived an incredible adventure in this body of mine and it is still going strong.

5. Do you have anyone that you are trying to set a healthy example for? Yes, my son. He is the cutest darn thing in the world, and I want him to always have the confidence and the self-esteem that he deserves. Building him up just like “Saint Betty” did for me and my sister.

Elizabeth Elias